About Us
At Prince George Christian Reformed Church (PGCRC) we are on a journey of loving God with all our hearts, soul, strength and mind, and loving our neighbours as ourselves (Luke 10:27) . As a church community we are trying to foster an environment and culture where people of all ages and backgrounds can grow in Christ and live into God’s grand redemptive story.
We are a gospel-centered community of faith, hope, and love.
The practices we are committed to in order to live out our core vision are:
Fellowship - the practice of sharing in what we have in common (the Gospel as the center of our lives), sharing with what we have in common (our gifts), and sharing out what we have in common (our love).
Discipleship - the practice of being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing all that Jesus tells us to do.
Worship - the practice of ascribing worth and glory to God, and God alone for who he is and what he has done.
Service - the practice of loving our neighbor as ourselves
Evangelism - the practice of gospelling the Gospel
PGCRC is a part of the Christian Reformed Church of North America denomination (CRCNA). We believe that the name “Christian Reformed Church” tells it all:
This is the story we are a part of. This is the story told in the Bible which centers on the self-giving love of God as Jesus Christ on the cross for our salvation.
If “Christian ” is the story we are a part of, then the “Reformed” part is the lens through which we look at and understand the story. We believe that the Reformed church tradition gives us a lens to look through and understand the Bible and the Christian life for all its worth.
If “Christian” is the story, and “Reformed” is the lens, then “Church” is the community in which we live out the story. A Church is a community. The building is the place where the community gathers. The Christian life is personal, but it is not private—we live, nurture and share it in community.
Our Pastor:
Pastor Paul
Lead Pastor